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Showing posts with label InternetTips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label InternetTips. Show all posts

Schedule System Shutdown Automatically in Windows 7 using Task Schedule

Jun 12, 2014 1 comments

Here I will explain how to shutdown system after some time automatically in windows 7 or how to set time to shutdown computer automatically after certain time daily or weekly in windows 7.


In previous articles I explained create symbols(copyright, trademarketc..) with keyboard, create desktop shortcut key to lockcomputer, Lost PAN card how to applyfor new one, configure dns server inwindows 7 and many articles relating to Internet Tips. Now I will explain how to shutdown computer automatically after some time in windows 7.

To shutdown system automatically after some time we need to follow below steps

KeyBoard Event Key Codes in AS3 | Alphabet, Numbers, Special Character Codes

Apr 23, 2013 3 comments

Here I will explain as3 keyboard event key codes or alphabet character codes or number character codes or special characters key codes or the character code value of the key pressed or released.


In previous articles I explained create symbols(copyright, trademark etc..) with keyboard, create desktop shortcut key to lock computer, Lost PAN card how to apply for new one, configure dns server in windows 7 and many articles relating to Internet Tips. Now I will explain character code value of the key pressed or released.

Check below table for character code value of the key pressed or released

Create Symbols with KeyBoard Like Trademark symbol, CopyRight Symbol, Registered ­ Trademark etc

Apr 16, 2013 8 comments

Here I will explain how to make or create Trademark symbol with keyboard in word document, copyright symbol, registered ­ trademark symbol, degree symbol, Fractio­n symbol, multiplication sign, heart symbol, diamond symbol and many symbols with keyboard in word document, mail etc.


In previous articles I explained create desktop shortcut key to lock computer, Lost PAN card how to apply for new one, configure dns server in windows 7 and many articles relating to Internet Tips. Now I will explain how to create symbols with keyboard.

To create symbols with keyboard check below shortcut keys.

Tip to Change Default Search Engine in Internet Explorer 9

Sep 22, 2012 0 comments

Here I will explain how to change the default search engine in IE or Internet Explorer 9.


In Previous article I explained Get New PAN Card if PAN Card lost, Setup DNS Server, how to create desktop shortcut to lock computer just by single click and some other internet tips. Now I will explain how to change the default search engine in IE or Internet Explorer 9.

To change the default search engine in Internet Explorer. we need to follow below steps

Lost My PAN Card How to Apply For New One | Change Details in PAN Card

Sep 15, 2012 14 comments

In this article I will explain how to apply for new pan card if pan card lost and how to make changes or corrections in pan card.


In previous articles I explained some of
internettips like Setup DNS Server, Create desktop shortcut key to lock computer/laptop etc. Now I will explain how to change details in your pan card and how to apply for new pan card if old one lost.

Generally many of them will face problem like lost pan card or getting pan card with wrong details etc. After seen all these problems I realized that it’s better to write article to show how to get new pan card if existing one lost or how to make changes in pan card if any wrong details printed on card.,Other Sites not Opening in My System Laptop PC

Aug 26, 2012 15 comments

Here I will explain how to solve the problem of not opening blogspot or other websites in your laptop, system or pc.


Few days back I faced some strange problem like the sites which contains at the end like those kind of sites not opened in my laptop. I thought may be internet problem but other sites are opening correctly If I try to open same blogspot url in some other system it’s working fine but in my laptop if I opened that it’s showing error like cannot find the server at as shown below

How to Setup-Configure DNS Server in Windows 7 system/laptop


Here I will explain how to configure or setup or add DNS server in windows 7 system or laptop or pc.


In Previous article I explained how to create desktop shortcut to lock computer just by single click. Now I will explain how to setup or configure dns server in windows 7. To add or setup or configure dns server we need to follow below steps

how create desktop shortcut key to lock computer just by with mouse click or Lock Computer with simple mouse click

Mar 11, 2011 7 comments

Here I will explain how create desktop shortcut key to lock computer just by with mouse click.


Hi first time I am writing article that is not related to .NET why I am writing this article means I found solution to create shortcut key to lock our computer by just with mouse click generally we will use Ctrl+Alt+L key to lock our computer if we do the same thing with mouse click it’s very easy to lock our computer that is the reason I am writing this article to help someone who is having this same requirement like shortcut to lock computer. To create shortcut key we need to follow below steps

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