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Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

CSS Scrollable HTML Table with Fixed Header Example

Jul 18, 2016 1 comments

Here I will explain how to make scrollable html table with fixed header using css with example or pure css scrollable html table with fixed header example. By using 
css properties we can easily implement scrollable table with fixed header.

To implement html table with fixed header using css we need to write the code like as shown below

jQuery Disable F12 Key, Console Log in Browser in JavaScript Example

Apr 17, 2016 7 comments

By clicking F12 in the browser we can open the Console log and development tool of a web site running in the browser. As a developer while you are developing its OK for you, but when others are trying to see your application code and do some operations definitely we don't want to disclose this. So what is the solution? we can easily prevent this using some simple JavaScript  and jQuery scripts. Let’s see how.


To stop this we can do two things. One, while users are opening the console log he or she will be prompted with some message or user will not be accessing the F12 key with mouse right click options. We will discuss both the ways one by one.

jQuery Open File Upload Dialog Box on Button (image) Click Instead of File Upload Control

Sep 3, 2015 4 comments

Here I will explain how to open file upload dialog on button click or image in
jQuery or show upload button to upload images instead of file upload control in jQuery with example. To show file upload dialog box on button click in jQuery we need to hide file upload control and enable upload control click on button click.

In previous articles I explained
jQuery load more records on button click in repeater, jQuery show exception message in ajax calls, jQuery check whether radiobutton selected or not, jQuery get radio button selected value by name, jQuery validate radiobuttonlist with example and many articles relating to css, AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain how to use jQuery to open file upload dialog box on button click or image with example.

jQuery Count (Get) Number of Rows in Table with Example

May 19, 2015 0 comments

Here I will explain how to get number of rows count in table in
jQuery or count number of rows in table in jQuery with example or jQuery get number of table rows length or jQuery get rows length in table with example.

Send HTML File or Page as Email Body in using C#, VB.NET

May 11, 2015 0 comments

Here I will explain how to send html page or file as email body in using C# and VB.NET.


In previous article I explained Send Mail in, Send mail with images using gmail credentials, Send mail with attachment in and many articles relating to JQuery,, SQL Server etc. Now I will explain how to send html page as email body in using C# and VB.NET.

Show(Display) DataTable in HTML Table in Asp.Net from Database using C#, VB.NET

Apr 28, 2015 2 comments

Here I will explain how to show or display data from datatable in html table in from database in c#, or display data from database in html table in using c#, with example or get data from datatable and show it in html table in using c#,

Scrollable HTML Table Body with Fixed Header using CSS with Example

Mar 29, 2015 2 comments

Here I will explain how to implement scrollable html table body with fixed header columns using css styles with example or html table with fixed header and scrollable or scrolling body using css with example.

In previous articles I explained Best Login page design with html and css, jQuery add border to all images using css, change default text color selection using css,
jQuery add multiple markers to google map from database, Show more link to shorten text and display it and many articles relating to html, css, jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain how to implement html table with fixed header and scrollable body using css.

To implement html table with fixed header and scrollable body using css we need to write the code like as shown below

jQuery Convert JSON Data to HTML Table using jQuery Row Append Properties

Feb 19, 2015 2 comments

Here I will explain how to convert JSON data to html table using
jQuery or convert JSON data into html table using jQuery or jQuery convert JSON data into html table or jQuery create html table using JSON data.

Angularjs Refresh DIV for Every 1 Second Using Interval Module

Jan 20, 2015 6 comments

Here I will explain how to refresh div for every 1 second using
AngularJS. Generally in JavaScript we will use setInterval() function to run our code for every specific period of time same way in AngularJS we have $interval angular module to do same functionality like setInterval() function. To refresh div for every 1 second here I am going to use $interval angular module.

In previous articles I explained jQuery setInterval() function example, start and stop time in javascript using setInterval function, jQuery redirect to another page after 5 seconds, Javascript redirect to another page after 5 seconds and many articles relating to
jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain how to refresh div for every 1 second using AngularJS.

Dropdownlist Validation using JavaScript in HTML,

Dec 29, 2014 3 comments

Here I will explain how to validate dropdownlist using
JavaScript in or html or dropdownlist validation using JavaScript in html or To validate dropdownlist first we need to get selected value of dropdown based on that we can raise validation message.

Display Data in HTML Table from Database using in C#, VB.NET

Dec 21, 2014 7 comments

Here I will explain how to display data from database in HTML Table in using c# and or show data in HTML table from database using in c# and

In previous articles I explained jQuery play youtube videos in, Access HTML selected value from dropdownlist in, Remove tab index or tab focums for HTML elements in  and many articles relating to HTML,, c#, and jQuery. Now I will explain how to display data from database in HTML Table in using c# and controls like the gridview are processed on the server and then the results are translated into HTML and JavaScript before it is sent to the browser.  An html table can be read directly by a browser, so there is no need to translate it.

jQuery Play (Embed) YouTube Videos in Application or Website from URL

Nov 19, 2014 2 comments

Here I will explain how to play
YouTube videos in application or website using c# or Embed or Display YouTube videos in website from URL.

In previous articles I explained Show
jQuery show YouTube video in modal popup in website, jQuery add play image icon to youtube videos, jQuery hide youtube video controls , jQuery generate thumbnails for youtube videos and many articles relating to YouTube,, c#, and jQuery. Now I will explain how to play YouTube videos in application or website.

Access HTML seletced Drop Down List value from Code Behind in C# in ASP.NET

Sep 29, 2014 2 comments
Introduction :

In this post I will show you how to get the value of a HTML Drop Down List from the code behind (C# code) in ASP.NET. To do this we need a HTML Drop Down List with values and one ASP Button. And on that Button click we will get the selected value from the Code Behind.

Description :

In the previous examples Suresh Dasari had explained AJAX Country State select from Drop Down List, Show toolip in mouse hover  of Drop Down List, SQL Databind in ASP Drop Down List, Validate Drop Down List using JQuery. Now here I will explain get the selected HTML Drop Down List value from Code Behind(.CS file).

Remove Tabindex for HTML Elements or Remove Tab Focus in Controls

Sep 28, 2014 0 comments

Here I will explain how to remove tabindex for html or controls or remove tab focus in controls or html controls.

In previous articles I explained
jQuery regular expression to validate url without http(s), regular expression to validate phone number in jquery, regular expression to replace all special characters with spaces in c#, regex email validation in c# and many articles relating to validation, JQuery. Now I will explain how to remove tabindex for html / controls or remove tab focus in controls.

Best Login Page Design in HTML, CSS with Source Code

Jun 3, 2014 52 comments

Here I will explain how to create best login page design in html and css with source code or login page design in html and css with source code or simple login form with html and css.


In previous articles I explained Change default selection of color using css, jQuery add border to all images using css, jQuery add more or less link to view text, jQuery add play button for youtube thumbnail images and many articles relating to html and css. Now I will explain how to create best login page design in html and css with source code.

How to Change Default Text Selection Color with CSS | CSS Change Text Highlight Color

Apr 1, 2013 2 comments

Here I will show how to change default text selection color with CSS in website or change text highlight color using CSS in website.

In previous articles I explained
jQuery Change background color of div, jQuery fadein fadeout effect, jQuery get current page url and title, jQuery create rounded corners for textbox and many articles relating to JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Now I will explain how to change text selection color using CSS in website.

To change text selection color using CSS we need to write the CSS classes like as shown below
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