
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

RichTextbox example or sample in or how to insert or store richtextbox data into database and display richtextbox data from database in gridview using

May 7, 2011 80 comments

Here I will explain how to use richtextbox and how we can save our richtextbox data in database and how we can retrieve and display saved richtextbox data into our application using

Today I am writing this post to explain about freely available richtextbox. Previously I worked on one social networking site for that we got requirement to use richtextbox at that time we search so many websites to use richtextbox but we didn’t find useful ones. Recently I came across one website and I found one free available richtextbox. We can validate and we can use richtextbox very easily and by using this richtextbox we can insert data in different formats like bold, italic and different color format texts and we can insert images also. To use free Richtextbox download available dll here FreeTextbox . After download dll from that site create one new website in visual studio and add FreeTextbox dll reference to newly created website after that design aspx page like this 

After that Design your aspx page like this 

how to resize image without losing image quality or how to reduce image file size without losing quality using

May 3, 2011 73 comments

Here I will explain how to resize an image without losing any quality from uploaded images using


In previous post I explained clearly how to generate the thumbnails dynamically. Here I am using same concept to resize the image without losing quality just by changing scaling factor in previous post. In social networking sites after upload images they will reduce the size of the photo but the quality will be same after seen that I tried to write this post. I taken one of my pic that pic size is 3.62 MB before resize Image that is here Create/generate thumbnails from images

May 2, 2011 28 comments

Here I will explain how to generate thumbnails dynamically from uploaded images and how to bind thumbnails to datalist using


In previous post I explained clearly how to bind images from folder to datalist . Now I will explain how to generate thumbnails from uploaded images and how to bind those thumbnails to datalist using In website development sometimes we get requirement like generating thumbnails from images without losing quality of image and it’s same like original image. For that first create one new website after that right click on that website select New Folder give name as Images because here I am using same name if you want to use another name you need to change the name in code also. After completion of adding Images folder to your website Design your aspx page like this 

Microsoft Community Contributor Award - 2011 or I got MCC (Microsoft Community Contributor Award) Award

May 1, 2011 13 comments
Today I am writing this post to share my happiness with you guys because I got MCC (Microsoft Community Contributor) Award from Microsoft.

As usual I opened my hotmail and tried to check my mails during verifying mails I found one mail is from Microsoft I was surprised because in that mail they mentioned like this 

how to bind or display images from folder to datalist using or how to insert images into folder and display images from folder to datalist using


Here I will explain how insert images into folder and how to bind the images to datalist using


In previous post I explained clearly how to bind images from folder to gridview . Now I will explain how to save images into folder and how we can bind that images to datalist using It’s very easy to store images in folder and binding that images to datalist. For that first create one new website after that right click on that website select New Folder give name as Images because here I am using same name if you want to use another name you need to change the name in code also after completion of adding Images folder to your website Design your aspx page like this

Ajax Collapsible Panel Control sample or how to use Ajax Collapsible Panel control using

Apr 19, 2011 14 comments

Here I will explain how to use the Ajax Collapsible Panel in

In Previous post I explained clearly how to use Ajax Accordion menu .Now I will explain how to use the Ajax Collapsible panel control in In so many websites we will see some of collapsible panels like if we click on down arrow panel will expand automatically and if we click on up arrow that panel will collapse automatically this type of functionality we can achieve by using ajax collapsible panel control.

how to use multiple web.config files in application or working with more than one web.config file in application

Apr 18, 2011 20 comments


Here I will explain how to use multiple web.config files in single application using


I attended one interview at that time they asked one question that is it possible to use multiple web.config files in single application? For that question answer is Yes we can use multiple web.config files in single web application but how? By creating web.config file in sub root folders we can use multiple web.config files in our application but each folder should contains only one web.config file. Here I will explain step by step how we can use multiple web.config files in our application.

Ajax Accordion Control Example or how to use ajax accordion control in or working with Ajax Accordion Control

Apr 16, 2011 23 comments

Here I will explain how to use the Ajax Accordion control in
In Previous post I explained clearly how to show the progressbar during check the username availability using .Now I will explain how to use the Accordion control in Accordion control is used to bind multiple panes and display one pane at a time. This control is like having multiple collapsiblepanels where only one can be opened at a time. To use Accordion control in our code we need to design code in certain format like below

Limit number characters in multiline textbox using JavaScript

Apr 13, 2011 9 comments


Here I will explain how to Show or limit the number of characters length in Multilne textbox and how to remove vertical scrollbar in Multiline textbox using


One day I found one interesting thing in one of the sms sending site in that they provide one message textbox that is allowing only 140 characters to send message and they are displaying number characters left in the messagebox to type and if we are typing text in messagebox they are displaying the percentage graph also how much percentage of characters has entered in message textbox out of 140 characters. At that time I decided to write the post based on that here I designed page with one textbox that has a multiline property and one label to display the number of characters left to type in textbox and used tables to display the percentage graphs based on text typed in textbox

 First design your aspx page like this

how to export gridview data to PDF using or Export gridview data to PDF using

Apr 12, 2011 158 comments

Here I will explain how to export gridview data to PDF using


In my previous articles I explained clearly how to export gridview data to excel or word and how to export gridview data to CSV file . Now I will explain how to export gridview data to PDF using In we don’t have direct feature to export gridview data to PDF for that reason here I am using third party library ITextSharp reference. The dll is available here ITextSharp first download dll from this site after that create one new website in visual studio and add ITextsharp dll reference to newly created website after that design aspx page like this 

AjaxDragpanelExtender Example or how to show the login page with popup using modalpopupextender or how to use AjaxDragPanelExtender in

Apr 7, 2011 6 comments


Here I will explain how to show the login page with modal popup and how to use Ajax dragpanelextender using


I saw one website that contains login button if I click on that login button login page opens with popup and we can drag and drop that login panel anywhere on that popup for looking it’s very nice at that time I decided to write post to implement login page with popup and draggable. Previosuly I explained clearly lightbox effect for login page. In that post we can show our login page with popup. Now we can see how to show login page with popup and dragble on modalpopup to implement this I am using
AjaxModalPopupExtender and AjaxDragPanelExtender . i already explained clearly about how to show the progressbar during postback using AjaxModalPopupExtender. Now I will explain about AjaxDragpanelExtender.

how to export gridview data to CSV file or Export Gridview data to CSV file using

Apr 3, 2011 15 comments

Here I will explain how to export gridview data to CSV or text document using


I have one gridview that has filled with user details now I need to export gridview data to CSV file or text file. First we need to learn what is CSV file? CSV file is a text based file in which data are separated by comma and it can be opened by Excel. Each row of data in CSV file separated with commas.

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();

Apr 2, 2011 37 comments


Here I will explain how to solve the problem RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render(); during export of gridview to excel or word or csv using


In previous post I explained clearly how to show export gridview data to excel,word,notepad and csv using Export gridview data to Excel,Word . During export a gridview data to excel, word, notepad or csv I got error like 

Export gridview data to Excel/word document in C#


Here I will explain how to export gridview to Word or Excel document using in c#.


I have one gridview that has filled with user details now I need to export gridview data to word or excel document based on selection. To implement this functionality first we need to design aspx page like this 

how to show the progressbar during check the username availability or how to implement username check availabilty like yahoo using ajax

Mar 31, 2011 24 comments

Here I will explain how to show the progressbar during check the username availability using Ajax or 
how to implement username check availabilty like yahoo using ajax.

In Previous post I explained clearly how to check the username availability using ajax Now I will explain how to show the progressbar during check the username from database just like checking the username in yahoo if you observe yahoo registration page after enter username and click on check button at that time we will see progress image during get the data from database after that result will display now we will implement the same thing in our application.

how to check username availability using ajax or check username availability in using ajax


Here I will explain how to check the username availability using Ajax .

I designed one registration page in that user will enter userdetails like username, password etc at the time of enter username in textbox I need to validate the username whether that username available or already taken by any other user for that I am checking username availability in database based on username. Here I am getting one problem that is after enter username in textbox I am getting the data from database and showing the result on page like whether that username available or not but at that time page gets postback and losing the entered values in textboxes for that reason I used ajax concept to check username availability.  

Control 'gvdetails' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server

Mar 30, 2011 27 comments

Here I will explain how to solve the problem
Control 'gvdetails' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server during export of gridview to excel or word or csv using


In previous post I explained clearly how to show export gridview data to excel,word,notepad and csv using Export gridview data to Excel,Word . During export a gridview to excel, word, notepad or csv I got error like 

Change the style of ajax TabContainer in

Mar 28, 2011 7 comments

Here I will explain how to show the use Ajax Tab container in effectively and how to change appearance of TabContainer by applying CSS styles in


I have one web page that page contains lot of information about user that contains user profile details, job details and new user registration details because of that huge controls and data on webpage I face problem to maintain the webpage effectively. At that time I decided to use Ajax Tab container by using this container we can use web page space effectively. Tab container contains set of tabs that can be used to organize the page content. Tab Container is a host for number of TabPanels. Each TabPanel defines its HeaderText or HeaderTemplate as well as a ContentTemplate that defines its content. One more thing don't hesitate to learn the post completely after seen the length of the post nothing is there just design only the page contains 3 TabPanels that's why code is more for looking it's very easy to work with TabContainer gridview custom paging example like Numeric, first, previous, next and last

Mar 26, 2011 13 comments

Here I will explain how to show the gridview with custom paging like numeric first, previous, next, last in


In previous post I explained
gridview with different types of paging with available paging options in gridview but now if we want to display the gridview with custom paging like Numeric, first, previous, next and last for that we need to write some code to show the gridview paging like what we except and here I used gridview with pagertemplate to create the paging in gridview effectively for that create new website and design the aspx page like this

how to solve Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The server method 'GetSlides' failed with the following error during usage of Ajax slideshowextender control in

Mar 22, 2011 7 comments

Here I will explain how to solve the problem
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The server method 'GetSlides' failed with the following error: during use of Ajax Slideshow extender control to display images from root folder using


In previous post I explained clearly how to show slideshow using AjaxSlideshowExtender control from root folder in check here . During working with Ajax SlideshowExtender I got error like
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The server method 'GetSlides' failed with the following error: <html><head> ajax slideshow extender example/sample


Here I will explain how to show images slideshow using Ajax Slideshowextender control from root folder in


Previously I explained
how to insert images into our project folder and display the images from folder in gridview based on images path in database using check this link here
After saving images into folder now I am going to explain how to display images slideshow using Ajax Slideshowextender control from project folder images using

Ajax password strength example | Password Strength indicator in Ajax


Here I will explain how to use Ajax password strength control to display the password strength during registration of user using


I have one registration page that allows users to register in website at that time I need to display password length, number of minimum characters required and number of minimum numbers and special characters required and at the same time I need to display the password strength like poor, average, good etc. To achieve my requirement I used Ajax Password strength control to display password strength. Here we can display password strength in two styles
1.      1) Text
2.      2) BarIndicator
Now I can explain how to show the basic password strength using Text indicatortype with Ajax passwordStrength control.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll.

Mar 21, 2011 4 comments

Here I will explain how to solve AjaxControlToolkit error like Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you’re using an ASP.NET ScriptManger, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxCOntrolToolkit.dll.


I have installed AjaxControlToolkit and added all ajax controls to Toolbox in visual studio after completion of this process I started using AjaxControlToolKit controls I have drag and drop one ajax control (ex:PasswordStrength control) from Toolbox and added ScriptManager to program and after completion of everything I tried to run the application at that time unexpectedly I got error like “AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll”. 

Ajax ModalPopUpExtender Example to edit the gridview row values in

Mar 15, 2011 97 comments

Here I will explain how to show the modal popup using Ajax ModalPopupExtender to edit Rows in a GridView using


In my previous post I explained clearly how to show the gridview images with lightbox effect. Same way we can display popup using Ajax futures. In ajax we have ModalPopup extender to display data in Popup here I am doing sample to show pop up whenever user clicks on Edit button in gridview at that time I will display that particular gridview row data into Modal popup for that First design table in your database like this

how create desktop shortcut key to lock computer just by with mouse click or Lock Computer with simple mouse click

Mar 11, 2011 7 comments

Here I will explain how create desktop shortcut key to lock computer just by with mouse click.


Hi first time I am writing article that is not related to .NET why I am writing this article means I found solution to create shortcut key to lock our computer by just with mouse click generally we will use Ctrl+Alt+L key to lock our computer if we do the same thing with mouse click it’s very easy to lock our computer that is the reason I am writing this article to help someone who is having this same requirement like shortcut to lock computer. To create shortcut key we need to follow below steps

how to get userdetails from Active Directory based on username using


Here I will explain how to get userdetails from Active directory based on username using


One day I got requirement like to get user details from Active directory based on username.

For that first create one new website after that right click on website and select Add Reference option after that select System.DirectoryServices from .NET tab and click ok now directory services reference has added to our application do you know why we have added this directory service to our application because by using this service we can get userdetails from Active directory.

Gridview paging example in with Numeric, NextPrevious, NextPreviousFirstLast, NumericFirstLast

Mar 8, 2011 29 comments

Here I will explain how to show the gridview with different type of paging in


I have one gridview with multiple number rows at that time I tried to set paging for my gridview for that I have search gridview properties at that time I found different type of paging mode styles are available in gridview for paging those are

1.      1) Numeric
2.      2) NextPrevious
3.      3) NextPreviousFirstLast
4.      4) NumericFirstLast

Ajax autocompleteextender example with progressbar image in

Mar 6, 2011 27 comments

Here I will explain how to use Ajax AutoCompleteExtender to display the words begin with prefix typed into the textbox using


In Google if we type anything in search textbox we will find all related words below the textbox it has developed by using Ajax autocomplete extender. We can attach Ajax autocomplete exteneder to any textbox to implement this and after assign autocomplete extender to textbox and
type more content than the specified minimum word length, a popup will show words or phrases starting with that value.  So the user can choose exact word from the popup panel. Here we are implementing autoCompleteextender to fetch data from the database through a Webservice.

First design table in your database like this 

Display Gridview images with lightbox effect whenever user clicks on images in gridview using

Mar 5, 2011 24 comments

In this article I will explain how to show gridview images with lightbox effect using

In my previous article I explained clearly how to insert images into our images folder and images path in database and display images in gridview from folder based on imagepaths exists in database for that check this link
how to insert images into folder and imagespath into database and display images I gridview .After inserting images in folder and displayed in gridview I extended functionality to display gridview images using lightbox effect if user click on any image in gridview at that time we need to show that images with lightbox effect. To display images in gridview with lightbox effect we need to design our aspx page like this

how to save images into folder and images path in database and display images from folder in gridview based on images path in database using

Mar 3, 2011 122 comments

In this article I will explain how to insert images into our project folder and display the images from folder in gridview based on images path in database using


In my previous article I explained clearly how to insert images into database and display images from database into gridview. Now I will explain how to insert images into our project folder and insert images path into database and display images in gridview from images folder based on Images path in database. For that first create new website after that right click on your website and add new folder and give name as Images because here I used same name for my sample if you want to change folder name you need to change the images folder name in your code behind also
first design table in your database like this to save images path in database.

how to select/deselect checkboxes in gridview Or check/uncheck all the checkboxes in gridview using header checkbox or select header checkbox if all checkboxes selected in gridview using JavaScript.

Mar 1, 2011 30 comments
In this article I will explain how to select/deselect all the checkboxes in gridview using JavaScript.

I have a one gridview with checkboxes here my requirement is if I select header checkbox of gridview I need to select all the child checkboxes in gridview and if I deselect header checkbox I need to deselect all the child checkboxes in gridview and if I select all the child checkbox I need to select the header checkbox and if any child checkbox deselected I need to deselect header checkbox for this I have written JavaScript function to achieve this functionality.

Design your aspx page like this

Resize multiline textbox dynamically based on text using javascript

Feb 25, 2011 9 comments

In this article I will explain how to change or increase the textbox height dynamically using


I have one textbox my requirement is if user enters text in texbox that height of textbox needs to be adjusting with text for that I have written one JavaScript function to adjust textbox height here one more point is we need to set the
TextMode="MultiLine" property for textbox to adjust textbox height 
Now design your aspx page like this

how to show the up and down arrows during sorting of column in gridview using

Feb 23, 2011 21 comments

In this article I will explain how to show the up and down arrows during sorting of gridview columns using


I have a one gridview with some data here my requirement is to show up and down arrows during sorting of columns in gridview because if I didn’t used arrows we are unable identify the sorted column in gridview and we don’t have chance to know that sorted column data is either in ascending or descending order if we use up and down arrows we can clearly show which column has sorted and whether that particular column data is in ascending or descending order.
Now design your aspx page like this

Display sum of columns total in gridview footer in

Feb 22, 2011 54 comments

In this article I will explain how to display the sum of total of columns in gridview footer   using


I have a one gridview with multiple rows and columns and for that gridview paging also has enabled now my requirement I need to display sum of all the columns (Total) in gridview footer for that I have used gridview row databound condition this functionality will work for paging enabled gridview also. Before proceed to functionality first we need to design one table in database and give name EmployeeSalary


Delete multiple gridview rows with checkbox selection and with confirmation

Feb 15, 2011 46 comments

In this article I will explain how to delete multiple rows in gridview with checkbox selection and with confirmation message using


I have one gridvew that contains multiple rows with checkboxes now my requirement is to delete rows in gridview based on checkbox selection.

how insert, Edit, Update and delete data in gridview with sqldatasource using

Feb 13, 2011 40 comments

In this article I will explain how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview with Sqldatasource using


In my previous article I explain clearly how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview using Now you may think that why he has written the same code with Sqldatasource main reason is if we Sqldatasource we have chance to reduce lot of code in code behind check two posts how much of code in reduced in this post. Now I will explain how to do the insert, edit, update and delete functionality with Sqldatasource here I used some of commands to achieve that functionality those are insert, Edit, update, delete data in gridview

Feb 9, 2011 252 comments

In this article I will explain how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview using


I have one gridview I need to write code to insert data into gridview after that I need to edit that gridview data and update it and if I want to delete the record in grdview we need to delete record simply by click on delete button of particular row to achieve these functionalities I have used some of gridview events those are 

1        1) Onrowcancelingedit
2        2) Onrowediting
3        3) Onrowupdating
4        4) Onrowcancelingedit
5        5) Onrowdeleting

By Using above griview events we can insert, edit, update and delete the data in gridview. My Question is how we can use these events in our coding before to see those details first design  table in database and give name Employee_Details Pass send gridview row value to other page with hyperlink to update row values

Feb 8, 2011 21 comments

In this article I will explain how to send gridview row values to other page and after update that record values return back to the gridview page using


I have a gridview with hyperlink fields here my requirement is if I click on hyperlink of particular row I need to display that particular row values into other page in that page user will edit record values after that if he clicks on update button I need to update that record values and get back to previous home page i.e., gridview page. To achieve this first design the table in database like this

Highlight gridview rows on mouseover - out using JavaScript

Feb 7, 2011 12 comments

Here I will explain how to highlight gridview rows based on mouseover and mouseout using JavaScript in


During work with one application I got requirement like change gridview rows color based on mouseover and mouseout using for that I used JavaScript functionality to handle onmouseover and onmouseout situations to implement this one first design aspx page like this 

Trace Mobile number location and Mobile number operator in India or Trace Mobile number Details in India

Feb 3, 2011 200 comments
If you want trace India mobile number details then enter mobile number and get details of mobile number location, mobile number service type and operator type definitely it will helps you to trace the details. Here we won’t get the user details of particular number because of privacy concern but we can get mobile number location, service provider and operation.

how to change textbox background color whenever validation fails using

Jan 29, 2011 4 comments


 In this article I will explain how to change textbox background whenever validation fails using

I have a one requirement like changing the textboxes background whenever validation fails at that time I used the custom validator and JavaScript function to validate textboxes and change the textboxes background color for that write the following code in your aspx page

how to solve Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1 and how to remove password restrictions, unique email requirement and question and answer options during user registration in Membership using

Jan 23, 2011 4 comments

 In this article I will explain how to solve
Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1 and how to remove password restrictions, unique email requirement and question and answer options during user registration in Membership using


In my previous article I explained clearly how to use Custom database for Membership and how to create user with custom database

To create user in database we need to enter password like abcd@123 then it will accept otherwise it will throw error like length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1 but I got requirement like register user without strong password restrictions and no need to enter unique email and without Question and answer options at that time I tried to remove problem by setting some properties in web.config. Follow below steps to change our application to work according our requirements.

Create membership database schema in SQL Server | Create User using CreateUserWizard control in


 In this article I will explain how to install Membership database schema in Sql Server.


In one of my project I got requirement like using membership concept with custom database. First of all we learn what is membership? And why we need to use this one?

ASP.NET membership gives you a built-in way to validate and store user credentials. ASP.NET membership therefore helps you manage user authentication in your Web sites. You can use ASP.NET membership with ASP.NET Forms authentication or with the ASP.NET login controls to create a complete system for authenticating users.
By Using ASP.NET membership we can create new users and passwords and we can authenticate users who visit your site. You can authenticate users programmatically, or you can use the ASP.NET login controls to create a complete authentication system that requires little or no code and we can manage passwords, which includes creating, changing, and resetting them.

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns null or empty string value

Jan 13, 2011 5 comments

Here I will explain how to solve problem of HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns null or empty string value.


I have one requirement like getting system username based on that check the permissions of user if user has sufficient permission I need to allow that person to view the particular page otherwise I don’t want give chance to show the page for that I have written code to get username like this 

SQL Server- get list of column names and datatypes of a table



Here I will explain how to get the column names and corresponding datatypes in particular table using SQL Server.
I have one table with lot columns in database at that time I tried to know the column names and corresponding datatypes and their maximum sizes in particular table for that I written the following query in SQL server to get column names and datatypes in particular table.

Ajax Cascading Dropdownlist Sample with database using

Jan 12, 2011 137 comments

Here I will explain how to use Ajax cascading dropdownlist with database using


In my previous article I explained
how to populate dropdown based on other dropdown using now I will explain how to use Ajax cascading dropdownlist in
Here I already explained how to populate dropdown based on another dropdown but now why I am explaining about this Ajax cascading dropdownlist because if we use this Ajax cascading dropdownlist we can get the dropdown data without any postback operation and we don’t need to write extra code to disable dropdowns based on otherdropdown selection all the futures available with this Ajax cascading dropdown directly but here we need to write webservices to populate the dropdowns with data. 

how to create online poll system with percentage graphs using

Jan 9, 2011 16 comments

Here I will explain how to create online poll system with percentage graphs using


In many websites we will see online polls like which browser is best browser? We can submit our votes to these polls and they will display result with graphs after seen all these polls I tried to implement simple application for online polls with percentage graphs using
Here I am using XML to store all the poll options and retrieving all the options and displaying result based on polls options. Here I need to say one thing before implement this application I don’t know the exact purpose of XML whenever I implement this application I got idea regarding XML. XML is used to store the data and we can use it in any application and it will support for all the languages. Here I explained clearly how to insert and retrieve data from XML and how to bind that data to repeater

how to get username in login control using membership

Jan 6, 2011 22 comments

Here I will explain how can we get username and userid of currently logged user in membership.


I am working on application by using login control in at that time I got requirement like getting username and user id of logged in user for that I have written code like this to get logged in user username and userid in membership.

how to insert images into database and how to retrieve and bind images to gridview using (or) save and retrieve images from database using

Jan 2, 2011 224 comments

Here I will explain how insert and retrieve images from database and how to bind images to gridview using


I have worked on one social networking site at that time we save all the images in to directory folder and we save image path into database at that time I got idea to implement concept like inserting images into database and retrieving the images from database and binding images to gridview using for that we need follow below steps Delete gridview records with confirmationbox example

Jan 1, 2011 14 comments

Here I will explain how to delete records in gridview with confirmationbox message in


I designed gridview with linkbutton that contains user information details. Here my requirement is whenever user clicks on link button at that time I need to display confirmation message and if user clicks on ok button in confirmation box I want to delete record from database otherwise no action should perform on particular record. For that we need to follow below steps 

Design your aspx page like this 

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