
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

C# - Convert Datatable to List Example using LINQ

Nov 3, 2014 2 comments

Here I will explain how to convert datatable to list in
c# using linq with example or convert datatable to generic list  in c# using linq with example and other ways to convert datatable to list in c# and

In previous articles I explained convert string to xml in c#, convert datatable to xml string in c#, convert datatable to json string in c#, convert datatable/dataset to arraylist in c# and many articles relating to, c#, and jQuery. Now I will explain how to convert datatable to list in c# using linq with example and other ways to convert datatable to list in c#.

Drop or Remove Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server 2008


Here I will explain how to create or remove / drop foreign key constraint in
sql server.  Foreign key constraint in one table point to primary key in another table in sql serverand foreign key constraint is used to prevent the actions that would destroy the links between two tables.
In previous articles I explained Primary key constraint in sql server, foreign key constraint in sql server, Pass XML file as parameter from C# to SQL stored procedure, cursor example in sql server and many articles relating to SQL server. Now I will explain how to remove foreign key constraint in sql server.

How to make a simple USB Desktop Locker in C#

Oct 28, 2014 8 comments
Introduction :
Today I will show you how to make a USB locker for your desktop in C# Windows Application which will keep your computer unlock unless until you plugged out the pen drive. Sounds interesting?  You will find this kind of software in the Internet by search it in Google or in any other search engine. But it comes more happiness when you did it yourself. So lets come make our own USB Desktop locker.

How to do?
First of all take a pen drive, don't get frighten, your pen drive will be safe and workable. Then open the Visual Studio and add a new Windows Application project. As a form is added by default, so you don't need to add any more. Its enough.

SQL Server Convert Table Data to XML Format using XML PATH, XML AUTO or XML RAW

Oct 20, 2014 4 comments

Here I will explain how to convert table data to xml format in
sql server or get table data in xml format in sql server. We can convert sql server table data in xml format by using XML AUTO or XML PATH or XML RAW.
In previous articles I explained SQL Server Get Data in XML format  group by columns, Reading XML data file using SQL query, Pass XML file as parameter from C# to SQL stored procedure, cursor example in sql server and many articles relating to SQL server. Now I will explain how to convert table data to xml format in sql server or get table data in xml format in sql server.

SQL Server - Get Data in XML Format Based on Group by Columns in SQL Server with Example

Oct 19, 2014 0 comments

Here in
sql server I will explain how to get data in xml format based on group by columns in sql server with example or sql server group columns and show in xml format.
In previous articles I explained cursor example in sql server, While loop example in sql server, nested while loop example in sql server, get only month and year from date in sql server, substring function in SQL server and many articles relating to SQL server. Now I will explain cursor how to get data in xml format based on group by columns in sql server with example.

Sorting Columns in Repeater Control in using C#, VB.NET


Here I will explain how to implement sorting in repeater control in using c#, with example or how to sort columns in repeater control in using c#,

In previous articles I explained Repeater Control Example in, Display time like facebook/twitter like 1 minute ago, hour ago, use of using statement in c#, make some cells read only in excel sheet and many articles relating to, c#, and JQuery. Now I will explain how to implement sorting in repeater control in using c#, with example.

jQuery Get Dropdownlist Selected Value Onchange Event Example

Oct 18, 2014 4 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to get dropdownlist selected value onchange Event or jQuery dropdown change event get selected value or jQuery get dropdownlist selected value onchange event.

In previous articles I explained
jQuery check if checkbox is checked or not, jQuery change opacity of image on mouseover, jQuery change image on mouseover, jQuery dropdown with images, jQuery show alert message while leaving from website, jQuery Countdown timer script example and many articles relating to jQuery and Now I will explain how to get dropdownlist selected value during onchange event.

ASP.Net - Add Items to Dropdownlist Programmatically on Button Click in C# and VB.Net


Here I will explain how to add items to dropdownlist programmatically on button click in using c# and or dynamically add items to dropdownlist on button click in using c# and

In previous articles I explained Cascading dropdownlist example in, highlight gridview records based on search in, filter gridview records based on dropdown selection in and many articles relating to, c#, and JQuery. Now I will explain how to add items to dropdownlist programmatically in using c# and

C# - Create Windows Form Application Setup File in C#.Net

Oct 16, 2014 13 comments

Here I will explain how to create setup file for windows form application in visual studio 2008 in
c# with example. To create setup file windows application in c# we need to use setup and deployment section templates in visual studio.

In previous articles I explained constructors in c# with examples, difference between virtual, override, new keywords in c#,
Difference between sessionstate and viewstate, Highlight gridview rows on mouseover in jQuery and many articles relating to, c#, and JQuery. Now I will explain how to create setup file for windows form application in visual studio 2008 in c# with example.

jQuery String indexOf Method Example in JavaScript (Uses of indexof Method in jQuery)

Oct 14, 2014 0 comments

Here I will explain what is string indexof method in JavaScript or
jQuery and uses of indexof method in JavaScript or jQuery with example. Indexof method in jQuery or JavaScript is used to check whether particular word existing in string or not and we can get position of first occurrence of word in string. This indexof method will return -1 incase if the word not exists in string in JavaScript or jQuery.

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