
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

Query to use update statement with Replace function in SQL Server

Jun 12, 2012 1 comments

In this article I will explain how to write query to use update statement with Replace function in SQL Server.


In previous posts I explained Replace function example and Substring function example in SQL Server and many more articles relating to SQL Server. Now I will explain how to use update statement with Replace function in SQL Server. In one application I got requirement like update particular part of the string with another value. To achieve this functionality I realized it’s better to use Replace() function with update query.

SQL Server Query to Get Count of Duplicate Records from Table

Jun 6, 2012 5 comments

Here I will explain how to write a query to get duplicate records from table in sql server or Query to get count of duplicate records or rows in SQL Server or query to find duplicate records in SQL server.


In previous post I explained Query to alter table columns and Query to delete duplicate records in SQL Server. Now I will explain how to write SQL query to get duplicate records count that means how many times each duplicate record exists in datatable. In database I have one table that doesn’t contain any primary key column because of that duplicate records inserted in table that would be like this 

Query to Alter,Add,modify,delete columns in table - sql server

Jun 5, 2012 7 comments

In this article I will explain how to write SQL Query to add new column to existing table in sql server and query to delete column from table in sql and query to modify column in existing table.


In previous posts I explained many articles relating to SQL Server. Now I will explain how to write query to add, remove or modify column in existing table using SQL Server. During work with one application I got requirement like add new column to existing table in SQL Server at that time I realized that it’s better to write query to add new column instead of open table structure and modify to add new column in SQL Server. To add new column to existing table in SQL server the declaration of system will be like this

Ajax CalendarExtender Example In Asp.Net -Change date format and show calendar when click on button

Jun 4, 2012 36 comments

In this article I will explain how to use Ajax Calendar extender control in and how to change date format in ajax calendar control and display calendar control when click on image button in


Previously I explained many articles relating to 
Ajax. Now I will explain how to use ajax calendar extender control in and change date format and display calendar control when click on image button in Before proceed to implement this have you install ajaxcontroltoolkit in visual studio or not if not install it otherwise if you already done then follow the below steps to use Ajax calendar extender control example in

CommandArgument="<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>" in

Jun 3, 2012 8 comments

In this article I will explain alternative of CommandArgument="<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>" in
In Previous article I explained move gridview rows up and down in during work with that one I mentioned
CommandArgument="<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>" for button it worked perfectly with C# code and I tried to use same CommandArgument code in VB.NET but it doesn’t work for me for that I used another way like this CommandArgument="<%# CType(Container,GridViewRow).RowIndex %>" then my problem got solved with

Move gridview rows up and down with arrow button click

Jun 2, 2012 15 comments

In this article I will explain how to move gridview rows up and down with arrow button clicks in

Previous I explained many articles relating to gridview in Now in this article I will explain how to move gridview rows up and down with button clicks in For that first design one table in database and give name as MobileDetails as shown below

Gridview inside gridview in - nested gridview example

May 30, 2012 60 comments

In this article I will explain how to implement gridview with in a gridview example or nested gridview with expand/collapse options in 


In previous posts I explained gridview examples and
bind data to textbox control in gridview ,Bind data to dropdownlist  in gridview in Now I will explain how to implement gridview within gridview or nested gridview example in

To implement this concept first design tables (Country and State) in your database as explained in this post populate dropdown based on another dropdown in After completion of table design write following code in your aspx page like this 

Bind data to dropdownlist in gridview

May 27, 2012 30 comments

In this article I will explain how to bind data to dropdownlist in inside of gridview in


In previous post I explained article how to bind data to textbox control in gridview in Now I will explain how to bind data to dropdownlist in inside of gridview in

To implement this concept first design tables in your database as explained in this post populate dropdown based on another dropdown in . After that design your aspx page like this 

Gridview examples in

Check below articles for gridview control examples and samples in c#,VB.NET

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