
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

Javascript validations for Email,Phone no and allow only characters, spaces, numbers in

Oct 22, 2010 17 comments

Here I will explain how to validate Email,phone number,to allow only characters and spaces and for allow only numbers using JavaScript validations in


I have a one sample registration form that contains fields like Name, Email, PhoneNo .
Now I want to check whether user enter correct email format or not, and phone number contains only numbers or not and name contains only characters and spaces or not by using JavaScript.

Here some of commonly used regular expressions

Javascript validations to validate form in


Here I will explain how to validate form using JavaScript validations in 


I have a one sample registration form that contains fields like Username, Password, Confirm Password, First Name, Last Name, Email, PhoneNo and Location.
Now I want to check whether user enter data in all fields or not and I want to check whether user enter correct data in all fields or not by using JavaScript.

If I want to check whether user enters data in textbox or not write script like this 

Stored procedure with output parameter in sql server

Oct 19, 2010 37 comments

Here I will explain how to write query to return output parameters in SQL Server.


In some situations we need to return the output value after execution of our query here I will explain with simple user registration here I am returning one out parameter if the query executes successfully else I am returning another output parameter .

SQL Server - Move Data from One Database Server to Another Database Server

Oct 14, 2010 3 comments

Here I will explain how to transfer or copy or move data from one server database table to another server database table in SQL Server.


I created one table Addresstype in database1 in server1 with some data. I have created same table Addresstype with same columns in database2 in server2. Now I want to fill AddressTpe table in server2 with data of Addresstype in server1.

Cannot open database requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'.

Oct 6, 2010 15 comments

Here I will explain about my database connection error in SQL Server if trying to get data by using


I have created one database in my Local SQL Server Management Studio in that I created one table and entered some data in that table. set session timeout in web.config IIS

Oct 2, 2010 12 comments

Here I will explain how to set session timeout in web.config,IIS and in application using manually.


By default our websites session timeout is 20 mins after that session will gets expire suppose if we want to set our custom timeout in our applications we can set it in different ways (web.config, global.asax and in IIS)

Convert objectdatasource to dataset or datatable in | How to bind dataset with an Objectdatasource data in

Sep 29, 2010 3 comments

Here I will explain how to bind dataset with objectdatasource data using


Here we need to remember that if we bind our gridview with objectdatasource that objectdatasource fill with data only whenever gridview databind is called like this 

gridview1.DataBind()=ods (ods is ObjectDataSource);

How to show only current dates of current month in ajax calendar extender using

Sep 28, 2010 2 comments

Here I will explain how to show only current dates of current month or whichever month in ajax calendar extender using


We can display only current month days to user in calendar control just by using css styles First add Ajax tollkit reference to your project and register that ajax referece like this in your aspx page

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>

After that design your aspx like this

How to Create Controls Dynamically in code behind files using

Sep 26, 2010 18 comments

Here I will explain how to generate the controls dynamically in code behind using


Hi here I will explain how to generate the controls dynamically in code behind
First design the your aspx page with one panel like this 

how to get read only textbox control values in codebehind using

Sep 24, 2010 16 comments

Here I will explain how to get read only control values in codebehind using 


If we set ReadOnly="true" property  for textbox it won’t give any chance to enter value or change the existed value .If we try to get data in textbox server doesn’t process the read only text box because the value of the text property is preserved in the view state between postbacks unless modified by server-side code. In some situations we don’t want give chance to user to enter data except from calendar control in that situation we need to set that textbox read only in serverside like this 

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