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Docker Set Environment Variables for Container in Windows

Jan 18, 2017

Here we will learn how to set environment variables for docker container in windows with example or how to pass environment variables to existing / running docker container in windows with example or add environment variables to existing docker container in windows with example. By using “–e” flag we can easily pass or set environment variables for existing or running docker container in windows.


By using docker I created container in windows after that I got requirement like need to add environment variables for existing container for that I wrote script by using “-e” flag like as shown below

docker run -d -t -i -e environment_variable container_name

In above syntax we need to replace environment_variable with your required variable name and container_name with your containerid


Following is the example of setting environment variable for docker container in windows.

docker run -d -t -i -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME = 'staging' container_name

This is how we can set environment variables for the container which is already running based on our requirements.

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