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SQL Server Remove (Drop) index from table

Jun 30, 2014

Here I will explain how to remove index from table in
sql server 2008 or drop index from table in sql serverTo remove index from table we use drop index statement in sql server.
In previous articles I explained create index on column in sql server, SQL Server change identity column value,  replace multiple spaces with single space in sql, reseed identity column value in sql server and many articles relating to SQL server. Now I will explain how to remove index from table in sql server 2008.

To create index on column in sql server that syntax will be like as shown below

Syntax to Create Index

CREATE INDEX indexname ON Tablename(columnname)

CREATE INDEX IC_Userid ON UserDetails(UserId)
If you want to remove index on table we need to write the query like as shown below

Syntax to Drop Index on Column

DROP INDEX tablename.indexname

DROP INDEX UserDetails.IC_Userid

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