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Reached 7.1 lacs + Pageviews for February 2013 Site Statistics

Mar 1, 2013 11 comments

Here I am going to explain about site February statistics for 2013.


Today I am going to announce February month statistics. For this month we crossed 7.1 lac + pageviews per month. To know more about full details check below statistics.

jQuery - Add / Remove CSS Class Dynamically to DIV Elements

Feb 28, 2013 0 comments

In jQuery we have addClass(), removeClass() methods to add or remove css classes to elements dynamically or Adding and Removing CSS Class with jQuery.

In previous article I explained jQuery create short urls using Google url shorter api , Simple Dropdown menu using CSS, jQuery image slideshow with semi transparent caption, Add blinking text using jQuery and many articles relating to
JQuery, CSS,, SQL Server etc. Now I will explain how to add or remove css classes to elements dynamically.

Disable Drag and Drop Option in Textbox or Textarea Controls


Here I will explain how to disable drag and drop option in textbox or textarea using JavaScript properties. 

In previous articles I explained JavaScript show number of characters left, JavaScript restrict user to enter only numbers, JavaScript allow limited characters in textarea, JavaScript remove special characters from textbox and many articles relating to
JavaScript, jQuery, Now I will explain how to disable drag and drop option in textbox or textarea.

Previously I written one post JavaScript remove special characters from textbox to remove special characters from textbox at that time one reader has asked me the question like 

“Textbox removing special characters whenever I enter but if I select some special characters text and hold the text by mouse click and drop it in textbox it’s allowing how to restrict that drag and drop option?”

JavaScript - Show Number of Characters Remaining in Textbox or Textarea


Here I will explain how to show number of characters remaining in textbox or textarea using JavaScript

In previous articles I explained JavaScript restrict user to enter only numbers, JavaScript allow limited characters in textarea, JavaScript remove special characters from textbox JavaScript validations for phone, email and many articles relating to
JavaScript, jQuery, Now I will explain how to show number of characters remaining in textbox or textarea using JavaScript.

JavaScript - Remove Special Characters from Textbox


Here I will explain how to use JavaScript to remove special characters from textbox entered by 

In previous articles I explained JavaScript restrict user to enter only numbers, Watermark textbox in JavaScript, JavaScript validations for phone, email and many articles relating to
JavaScript, jQuery, Now I will explain how to use JavaScript to remove special characters from textbox entered by user.

JavaScript Automatically Move Cursor to Next Field When Textbox Full


I will explain how to use JavaScript to automatically move cursor to next field when cursor textbox full or JavaScript to automatically (Auto Tab) send the user from one field (textbox) to the next when the maxlength of the field has been reached.
In previous articles I explained
jQuery Change background color of div, jQuery fadein fadeout effect, jQuery get current page url and title, jQuery create rounded corners for textbox and many articles relating to JavaScript, jQuery, Now I will explain how automatically (Auto Tab) send the user from one field (textbox) to the next when the maxlength of the field has been reached.

Find Number of Vowels in a String in JavaScript | Count Vowels in String using JavaScript

Feb 27, 2013 2 comments

Here I will explain how to find number of vowels in a string in JavaScript or get vowels count in string in JavaScript.

In previous posts I explained many articles relating to JavaScript,
JQuery. Now I will explain how to find number of vowels in a string in JavaScript.

JavaScript - How to Get Screen Resolution of User or Client Machine

Feb 25, 2013 3 comments

Here I will explain how to Get Monitor screen resolution using JavaScript or Get screen resolution of user in JavaScript.


In previous article I explained Set watermark text for textbox using JavaScript, JavaScript Set Default home page in IE, Mozilla, JavaScript add bookmark link to website and many articles relating to JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, etc. Now I will explain how to get screen resolution of user in JavaScript.

SQL Server Check if String Contains Specific Word / String with CHARINDEX Function


Here I will explain how to check if string contains specific word in SQL Server using CHARINDEX function or SQL Server check if string contains specific substring with CHARINDEX function. 

In previous articles I explained SQL Query to get particular part of string, SQL Query to replace part of string, kill all active database connections in SQL Server, SQL Query to read xml file, SQL Query to get month wise, year wise data and many articles relating to SQL Server,
jQuery, JavaScript. Now I will explain how to check if string contains specific word in SQL Server

To check if string contains specific word in SQL Server we can use CHARINDEX function.

jQuery setTimeout Function Example in JavaScript


Here I will explain how to use jQuery setTimeout function with example. jQuery setTimeout function is used to execute functions at regular intervals of time. Suppose if we want to execute one JavaScript function for every 10 seconds or for a specific time we can use jQuery setTimeout function to achieve this functionality. 

In previous articles I explained Start and Stop timer in JavaScript, Show user current location on google map, Regular expression to validate file upload extension,
jQuery Bouncing Menu Example and many articles relating to jQuery, JavaScript. Now I will explain how to use jQuery setTimeout() function with example. 

jQuery setTimeout() function is same as jQuery setInterval() function
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