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SQL Server Order By in Union with Example

Apr 21, 2016

Here I will explain how to use order by in union query in
sql server with example or order by clause with union operator in sql server with example or use union operator with order by in sql server or how to combine and use order by and union in sql server with example. To use Order By property with union we need to create sub query for union query statements in sql server.

Generally in sql server it’s not possible to use order by clause directly with union statements. To use order by clause in sql server with union statement we need to create sub query for union statements then only we can apply order by clause in sql server.

Following is the sample sql server query to use order by clause with union statements.

Select Id as UserId, UserName as Name, RegisterDate From UserDetails
select UserId, EmpName as Name, ModifyDate as RegisterDate From UserDetails
) smptbl
ORDER BY RegisterDate DESC

If you observe above query we are getting data from union statements as sub query and applying order by statement sub query to show the data in descending order.

Now we will see how to use order by clause with union statements in sql server with example.

DECLARE @temp1 table(id int, name varchar(50),modifydate date)
DECLARE @temp2 table(id int, name varchar(50),modifydate date)
insert into @temp1(id,name,modifydate)
insert into @temp2(id,name,modifydate)

Select id,name, modifydate from @temp1
Select id,name, modifydate from @temp2
) stbl ORDER BY modifydate DESC

If we execute above query we will get records in modifydate descending order.


Following is the result of using sql server order by clause with union query.

Use Order By Clause with Union Operator in SQL Server Example Result

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