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KeyBoard Event Key Codes in AS3 | Alphabet, Numbers, Special Character Codes

Apr 23, 2013

Here I will explain as3 keyboard event key codes or alphabet character codes or number character codes or special characters key codes or the character code value of the key pressed or released.


In previous articles I explained create symbols(copyright, trademark etc..) with keyboard, create desktop shortcut key to lock computer, Lost PAN card how to apply for new one, configure dns server in windows 7 and many articles relating to Internet Tips. Now I will explain character code value of the key pressed or released.

Check below table for character code value of the key pressed or released
KeyBoard Character Key Codes
Backspace = 8

Tab = 9

Enter = 13

Shift = 16

Ctrl = 17

Alt  = 18

CapsLock = 20

Esc = 27

Spacebar = 32

PageUp = 33

PageDown = 34

End = 35

Home = 36

LeftArrow = 37

UpArrow = 38

RightArrow = 39

DownArrow = 40

Insert = 45

Delete = 46

NumLock = 144

ScrLk = 145

Pause/Break = 19

A or a = 65

B or b = 66

C or c = 67

D or d = 68

E or e = 69

F or f = 70

G or g = 71

H or h = 72

I or i = 73

J or j = 74

K or k = 75

L or l = 76

M or m = 77

N or n = 78

O or o = 79

P or p = 80

Q or q = 81

R or r = 82

S or s = 83

T or t = 84

U or u = 85

V or v = 86

W or w = 87

X or x = 88

Y or y = 89

Z or z = 90

0 = 48

1 = 49

2 = 50

3 = 51
4 = 52

5 = 53

6 = 54

7 = 55

8 = 56

9 = 57

; or : = 186

= or + = 187

- or _ = 189

/ or ? = 191

` or ~ = 192

[ or { = 219

\ or | = 220

] or } = 221

" or ' = 222

, = 188

. = 190

/ = 191

Numpad 0 = 96

Numpad 1 = 97

Numpad 2 = 98

Numpad 3 = 99

Numpad 4 = 100

Numpad 5 = 101

Numpad 6 = 102

Numpad 7 = 103
Numpad 8 = 104

Numpad 9 = 105

Numpad Multiply = 106

Numpad Add = 107

Numpad Enter = 13

Numpad Subtract = 109

Numpad Decimal = 110

Numpad Divide = 111

F1 = 112

F2 = 113

F3 = 114

F4 = 115

F5 = 116

F6 = 117

F7 = 118

F8 = 119

F9 = 120

F10 = no key

F11 = 122

F12 = 123

F13 = 124

F14 = 125

F15 = 126

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this post of key codes gave solution for doing my app

Anonymous said...

2nd anonymous:thank you

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