
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

Resize multiline textbox dynamically based on text using javascript

Feb 25, 2011 9 comments

In this article I will explain how to change or increase the textbox height dynamically using


I have one textbox my requirement is if user enters text in texbox that height of textbox needs to be adjusting with text for that I have written one JavaScript function to adjust textbox height here one more point is we need to set the
TextMode="MultiLine" property for textbox to adjust textbox height 
Now design your aspx page like this

how to show the up and down arrows during sorting of column in gridview using

Feb 23, 2011 21 comments

In this article I will explain how to show the up and down arrows during sorting of gridview columns using


I have a one gridview with some data here my requirement is to show up and down arrows during sorting of columns in gridview because if I didn’t used arrows we are unable identify the sorted column in gridview and we don’t have chance to know that sorted column data is either in ascending or descending order if we use up and down arrows we can clearly show which column has sorted and whether that particular column data is in ascending or descending order.
Now design your aspx page like this

Display sum of columns total in gridview footer in

Feb 22, 2011 54 comments

In this article I will explain how to display the sum of total of columns in gridview footer   using


I have a one gridview with multiple rows and columns and for that gridview paging also has enabled now my requirement I need to display sum of all the columns (Total) in gridview footer for that I have used gridview row databound condition this functionality will work for paging enabled gridview also. Before proceed to functionality first we need to design one table in database and give name EmployeeSalary


Delete multiple gridview rows with checkbox selection and with confirmation

Feb 15, 2011 46 comments

In this article I will explain how to delete multiple rows in gridview with checkbox selection and with confirmation message using


I have one gridvew that contains multiple rows with checkboxes now my requirement is to delete rows in gridview based on checkbox selection.

how insert, Edit, Update and delete data in gridview with sqldatasource using

Feb 13, 2011 40 comments

In this article I will explain how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview with Sqldatasource using


In my previous article I explain clearly how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview using Now you may think that why he has written the same code with Sqldatasource main reason is if we Sqldatasource we have chance to reduce lot of code in code behind check two posts how much of code in reduced in this post. Now I will explain how to do the insert, edit, update and delete functionality with Sqldatasource here I used some of commands to achieve that functionality those are insert, Edit, update, delete data in gridview

Feb 9, 2011 252 comments

In this article I will explain how to insert, edit, update and delete data in gridview using


I have one gridview I need to write code to insert data into gridview after that I need to edit that gridview data and update it and if I want to delete the record in grdview we need to delete record simply by click on delete button of particular row to achieve these functionalities I have used some of gridview events those are 

1        1) Onrowcancelingedit
2        2) Onrowediting
3        3) Onrowupdating
4        4) Onrowcancelingedit
5        5) Onrowdeleting

By Using above griview events we can insert, edit, update and delete the data in gridview. My Question is how we can use these events in our coding before to see those details first design  table in database and give name Employee_Details Pass send gridview row value to other page with hyperlink to update row values

Feb 8, 2011 21 comments

In this article I will explain how to send gridview row values to other page and after update that record values return back to the gridview page using


I have a gridview with hyperlink fields here my requirement is if I click on hyperlink of particular row I need to display that particular row values into other page in that page user will edit record values after that if he clicks on update button I need to update that record values and get back to previous home page i.e., gridview page. To achieve this first design the table in database like this

Highlight gridview rows on mouseover - out using JavaScript

Feb 7, 2011 12 comments

Here I will explain how to highlight gridview rows based on mouseover and mouseout using JavaScript in


During work with one application I got requirement like change gridview rows color based on mouseover and mouseout using for that I used JavaScript functionality to handle onmouseover and onmouseout situations to implement this one first design aspx page like this 

Trace Mobile number location and Mobile number operator in India or Trace Mobile number Details in India

Feb 3, 2011 200 comments
If you want trace India mobile number details then enter mobile number and get details of mobile number location, mobile number service type and operator type definitely it will helps you to trace the details. Here we won’t get the user details of particular number because of privacy concern but we can get mobile number location, service provider and operation.
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