
aspdotnet-suresh offers articles and tutorials,csharp dot net, articles and tutorials,VB.NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of 2.0 /3.5,AJAX,SQL Server Articles,examples of .net technologies

Bind or add tooltip for dropdownlist items in | Handle Long text problem in dropdownlist using

Dec 19, 2011 12 comments

In this article I will explain how to add tooltip for dropdownlist item in

In Previous article I explained clearly how to bind images to dropdownlist. Now I will explain how to add tooltips for dropdownlist item in In many situations we will use dropdownlists in our application if it contain less length of data then it will display the data correctly otherwise if it contains more length of data then user will not be able to see entire data that would be like this 

JQuery change the style of tooltip in | Gridview header and columns tooltip in

Dec 18, 2011 7 comments

In this article I will explain how to change the style of tooltips in using JQuery.


In my previous posts I explained clearly how to show the tooltip for girdiview rows and columns and show tooltip for gridview header here I am using these posts to bind gridview with tooltips. In our websites we will apply tooltips for many controls whenever we apply tooltips for controls initially that would be like this

JQuery Bind images to dropdownlist in

Dec 17, 2011 45 comments

In this article I will explain how to bind images to dropdownlist in using JQuery.
In previous articles I explained about how to implement cascading dropdownlist  and Ajax Cascading dropdownlist. Now I will explain how to bind dropdownlist with images dynamically in using JQuery. In one of website I saw one dropdownlist that contains Country names along with country flags. I feel it’s better to write post to explain how to bind images to dropdownlist in To implement this concept by using JQuery plugin we can achieve this easily.  

JQuery lightbox image slideshow gallery in

Dec 15, 2011 86 comments

In this article I will explain how to create lightbox image slideshow in using JQuery.

In previous post I explained about Ajax SlideshowExtender sample to display images slideshow. Now in this article I will explain how to create lightbox image slideshow in using JQuery. In many websites generally we will see different types of slideshows like whenever we click on image that is automatically open with lightbox effect and we have a chance to see all the remaining images by press next or previous options in slideshow. All these Slideshows are implemented by using JQuery plugins. After seen those slideshows I decided to write post to use JQuery plugins to implement beautiful slideshown in 

Failed to access IIS metabase in ASP.NET

Dec 13, 2011 5 comments

Here I will explain how to solve the problem “Failed to access IIS metabase ASP.NET” when we try to browse website using


In my machine I tried to access one of the website from IIS at that time I got error like “Failed to access IIS metabase ASP.NET”. I realized that problem because of process model user account (in our case, ASPNET) does not have the correct user rights for the required system files and folders to run the ASP.NET worker process and apparently there is a bug in the ASP.NET install.

Method error 500/12031 in ajax cascadingdropdown extender | AJAX CascadingDropDown - Method Error 500

Dec 12, 2011 10 comments

Here I will explain how to solve the problem “Method error 500/12031 in ajax cascadingdropdown extender using 


In previous post I explained clearly about Ajax cascading dropdownlist sample. Generally during implementation of cascading dropdonlist we will see our dropdowns shows error like “Method error 500 or Method Error 12031”. This error is occurred because of missing following line of code in WebService.

Export selected rows of gridview to Excel or word in ASP.Net


Here I will explain how to export only selected or checked rows or records from gridview to Word or Excel sheet using


In my previous posts I explained clearly how to export gridview data to Excel or word using and how to export gridview data to PDF using and explained another post that is Export gridview data to CSV file using After explain all the concepts one of the user has asked me a question i.e. how to export gridview records to excel/word based on checkbox selection in gridview. To implement this one first design one table in database as shown below and give name as “UserInformation” 

Query to Find Nth Highest Salary of Employee In Sql Server | Query to Find 2nd or 3rd highest salary of employee in SQL Server

Dec 10, 2011 30 comments

In this article I will explain how to find nth highest salary of the employee in SQL Server.


In many sites we will find one frequent question that is like how to find 2nd highest salary of employee or how to find 3rd highest salary of employee or how to find nth highest salary of employee in SQL Server. To get required highest salary we are having different alternative ways.

Joins in sql server, Inner Join,Cross Join,Left Outer Join,Equi join, Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join


In this post I will explain what are the Joins in SQL Server and different types of Joins example (SQL LEFT outer Join, SQL RIGHT outer Join, SQL FULL outer Join, SQL Cross Join, SQL inner Join sample, Self Join example) and uses of Joins in SQL Server.


In SQL joins are used to get data from two or more tables based on relationship between some of the columns in tables. In most of the cases we will use primary key of first table and foreign key of secondary table to get data from tables by using this relationship we can reduce the duplication of data in every table.

Simple login form example in Check Username and Password availability in database

Dec 8, 2011 131 comments

In this post I will explain how to implement simple login form using and I will explain how to Check Username and Password Exists in database using .


One day I got mail from one of the reader he has asked about how to implement simple login form to check username and password details of user in database. If user details exist in database then we need to redirect user to welcome page otherwise we need to display “Invalid Username/Password”. Mostly it’s common for all the websites before access the website. I know that many of them feel it’s very easy but for the people who have started learning .NET they don’t know how to implement this because of that I decided to write post to help for the persons who is in need with this requirement. 

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client in

Dec 4, 2011 37 comments

In this post I will explain how to solve the problem “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client in ASP.NET WebForms” using


In previous post I explained clearly about Rich textbox sample in . After completion code if I try to insert some html formatted data in database using rich textbox I got error like “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client in ASP.NET WebForms

Search Records In GridView And Highlight Results Using ASP.NET | how to highlight search results in gridview using

Dec 3, 2011 72 comments

In this article I will explain how to search records in gridview and highlight search keywords in gridview using


In Previous post I explained clearly about how to filter gridview records with dropdownlist selection. Now I will explain how to implement search functionality for gridview and highlight search keywords in gridview using 

SQL Server Error - Saving Changes in not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can’t be re-created or enabled the option Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created

Dec 1, 2011 7 comments

Here I will explain how to enable prevent saving changes in sql server or to solve the problem of “Saving Changes in not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created.etc” in SQL Server.


I have installed SQL Server 2008 in my laptop after successfully installed I opened SQL Server Management studio and created new table like this 

how to set default home page in IE and Mozilla using JavaScript in


Here I will explain how to set default home page in browser using JavaScript in


In many major websites we will see link like “Set as a home page” if we click on that home page link that will automatically change our browser default home page url to their particular page url. In IE browser we can easily set home page just by simple code but Mozilla we don’t have a chance to set home directly because of security concerns. If we want to set the home page in Mozilla first we need to set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support to true then run the below code to set home page initially that is in false mode. 

Add Bookmark link to website using javascript | Add to Favorites (IE) / Bookmark (Firefox) using Javascript


Here I will explain how to add bookmark link to our website using JavaScript in


In many websites we will see link like “Bookmark this Site” if we click on that bookmark link that will prompts the user with dialog box to add that specified link in favorites list. If we want to add that type functionality to our website we can write in different ways. Here I will explain in two different ways to add Bookmark functionality

Disable browser back button functionality using JavaScript in | ASP.Net disable browser back button (using javascript)

Nov 30, 2011 48 comments

Here I will explain how to disable browser back button functionality using JavaScript in


One day I got requirement like disable browser back button to prevent users going back to previous page using back button of the browser. I search many sites for proper code to prevent users navigating back to previous page but there is no use because some of them work in IE but not in Mozilla and some of them will work in Mozilla but not in IE.

Read or Write connection strings in web.config file using

Nov 27, 2011 25 comments

In this article I will explain how to read or write connection strings in web.config file using


In Previous article I explained clearly about Encrypt or Decrypt connection strings in web.config file using Now I will explain how to write connection strings in web.config file and how to read connection strings from web.config file using Encrypt and Decrypt connection strings in web.config file


In this article I will explain how to encrypt or decrypt connectionStrings in web.config file using


In Previous posts I explained lot of articles regarding, Gridview, SQL Server, Ajax, JavaScript etc. In many of articles I used connectionStrings section in web.config file to store database connection. The connectionStrings section contains sensitive information of database connections including username and password of database. Is it secured to store the sensitive information of database connections in plain text files called web.config and machine.config files? 

how to install Ajax Control Toolkit in Visual Studio | What is AJAX| uses of ajax in

Nov 23, 2011 23 comments

In this article I will explain how to install Ajax Control Toolkit in visual studio and uses of Ajax controls in


First of all what is Ajax why we go for that one? Is there any specific reasons to use that in our applications?

how to debugg vbscript files or .vbs files using visual studio | how to open or run vbscript files or .vbs files

Nov 22, 2011 17 comments

In this article I will explain how to run vbscript or .vbs file and how to debug vbscript or .vbs file using visual studio.


One day I got requirement like to work with vbscript during that time I don’t have idea on vbscript to run script file and I face too much problem to know how to debug vbscript. At that time I decided to write a post to explain how to run vbscript file and how to debug vbscript file or .vbs file using visual studio.
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